Micleşti este un sat şi comună din raionul Criuleni. Din componenţa comunei fac parte două localităţi: Micleşti şi Steţcani. Satul este situat la o distanță de 30 km de orașul Criuleni și la 32 km de Chișinău. La recensămîntul din anul 2004, populaţia satului constituia 1468 de oameni. Prima mențiune documentară a localității Miclești datează din anul1528.
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Nature and tourism
- Geographical zones of Moldova
- Nature reserves
- Water resources
- Plant and animal world of Moldova
- Natural monuments
Tourism in Moldova
- Advices for tourists
- Tourist routes
Tourist pearls of Moldova
- Old Orhei
- Saharna, Rezina
- Tsipova
- The Soroca fortress and the Coasuti village
- Village Ckitskan, Ckaushanskiy district
- Four monasteries in Kodry. Kalarashskiy district
- Cathedral in Drokiy
- The Rud-Arionesht natural complex
- Four monasteries near Chisinau– Surutchen, Kondritsa, Kepriana, Hinku
- Kurki and Hirova – two monasteries in Kodry. Orhei
- Kalarashovka -Ungur, Oknitsa
- Dobrusha – Kuhuresht – Jupka
- Dniester’s pearl Bender and its attractions
- Minunile Naslavcei
- Monasteries of Moldova
- The monasteries of the historical background of Moldova
- Meeting on the way - people and things they do
- Holidays, festivals, exhibitions, presentations
- Cities and villages of Moldova and Diasporas
Calendar of events

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